• 学费和杂费




    $150 program fee per term (winter, spring, summer)




  • 使命宣言

    Our mission is to train future counselors to be of service to others, which we view as the cornerstone of the counseling field. Your only prerequisite is the willingness to grow 和 change. 我们相信,超越宽容,庆祝多样性是你在这个项目和作为一名辅导员取得成功的基础. 你将获得建立人际关系的技能,以促进治愈的过程,最终目标是为我们自己创造可持续和公平的系统, 为了我们的家庭, 为了我们的社区, 也为了我们所服务的人民.

  • 2024秋季住院医师


    At the beginning of the Fall 和 Spring academic semesters, graduate counseling 学生 are required to attend an in-person residency on campus at Wesleyan. 这些活动将于周五晚上开始,周六和周日全天进行(具体日期请查看当前的学术日历)。. 学生参加的第一个实习将包括一个新的学生入学指导,这是该学期开始课程的强制性要求. 错过新生入学培训将需要学生推迟他们的课程开始,直到下一个学期,一旦他们完成了新生入学培训的要求.

  • 项目学习成果


    培养与咨询职业道德标准一致的职业认同, 角色, 和责任, 包括宣传工作.

    2.  社会和文化多样性

    承认系统性压迫的影响,通过发展一个专业的咨询认同和实践,其中包括, 选择, 自我赋权是核心组成部分. 

    3.  生命的发展

    Apply theoretical models of human development across the breadth 和 depth of the lifespan from individual, 家族性, 和 社区 attachments to overarching systems of culture 和 society.

    4.  职业发展

    运用包括发展的理论模型制定职业发展咨询策略, 文化, 可访问性的差距, 和 ethical components of career decision planning 和 making.

    5.  咨询实践和关系

    Demonstrate ethical 和 evidence-based counseling skills including documentation, 治疗计划, 危机干预, 以及自杀预防在咨询过程中支持协作关系朝着个人咨询模式的整体发展. 

    6.  小组辅导和小组工作

    在团体咨询和团体工作中应用有效的团体领导技能的理论基础,包括道德团体的形成, 实现, 和关闭.

    7.  评估和诊断过程

    示范道德选择和应用发展和文化适当的评估和诊断, along a continuum from risk management to wellness.

    8.  研究和项目评估

    Conduct 和 evaluate research that uses appropriate qualitative, 定量, or mixed methods to ethically inform 和 implement best practices of counseling 和 program evaluation.

    9.  主要职业素质



    Demonstrate advocacy alongside clients in the systems of care they utilize; such as integrated behavioral healthcare professionals, 社区利益相关者, 和 reimbursement providers across the continuum of clinical mental health care.

    11.  成瘾咨询专业

    应用以文化和发展相适应的干预措施为基础的系统级思维进行预防, 治疗, 以及从药物滥用障碍中恢复.



  • 60-credit Master of Art in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • 15学分的成瘾证书
  • 8-week sessions for a total of 40 weeks of class each year
  • 认证

    西弗吉尼亚卫斯理学院的临床心理健康咨询项目计划提交一份自学报告 咨询认证委员会 & 相关教育项目 (CACREP) when we are eligible to do so in the summer of 2025. Our entire curriculum has been designed along the 2024 CACREP St和ards, in addition to meeting the current requirements for 状态 licensure in 西维吉尼亚州. Applicants are encouraged to reach out with additional 状态-specific licensing requirements.

  • 项目概述

    西弗吉尼亚卫斯理学院的咨询硕士课程致力于培养杰出的未来咨询师. 这样做, we have created a core curriculum of 51 required credits that encompass the eight foundational knowledge 和 skill areas that support a professional counselor identity; professional orientation 和 ethical practice, 社会和文化身份和经验, 生命的发展, 职业发展, 咨询实践和关系, 小组辅导和小组工作, 评估和诊断过程, 以及研究和项目评估. 学生将有9个学分(3门课程)用于专业学习或选修他们感兴趣的课程. 课程将提供8周的模块, with 学生 taking 2 courses per block as a full-time student, 或者作为兼职学生,每个街区一门课程. T在这里 are five blocks in total in an academic year (2 per spring 和 fall semesters, 每个夏季学期1次). 学生的成绩必须达到B (3).0) or better in each of the graduate courses before proceeding in the program. A course with an unsatisfactory grade may be repeated only once in the program.

    The 60-credit program is designed to be pursued in an online cohort model, 让学生有机会在辅导员培训的过程中与教师和同龄人建立更全面的联系. Courses will be delivered in a hybrid format of both synchronous 和 asynchronous distance learning, with 学生 required to attend approximately 2-3 hours per week of instructional time synchronously. 此外,学生还需要在每个学期开始之前(不包括夏季课程)亲自参加加拿大28网址的校园住宿。. For example, Spring 2024 courses will begin on 1/16/24, 和 学生 will be on campus for 2.为期5天(1/19/24-1/21/24). 咨询课程提供两个专业领域:临床心理健康和成瘾咨询, which may require additional elective coursework to complete.

    点击 在这里 查看完整的手册

  • 与教师见面

    项目负责人 – Dr. 珍·兰德尔·雷耶斯


    B.A. 西维吉尼亚州 University, International Studies, 和 German

    M.A. The George Washington University, Mediation, 和 Conflict Resolution Specialization

    M.A. 西维吉尼亚州 University, Community Counseling (CACREP-accredited)

    Ph.D. Regent University, Counselor 教育 和 Supervision (CACREP-accredited)


    Dr. 珍·兰德尔·雷耶斯 has been working in the field of mental health for 20 years. In the decade she worked as a licensed counselor in the 状态 of 西维吉尼亚州, her focus has been on advanced training 和 practice as a trauma counselor. 她的职业生涯跨越了寄养系统, 少年司法, 社区精神健康机构, 监督, 私人诊所, 和协商, 包括当地, 状态, 以及联邦政府的宣传工作. 在她职业生涯的早期,在体验式教育和冒险治疗环境中工作,最终导致了一个新的目标,即支持其他咨询师在培训过程中找到他们的治疗利基. 


    Jen loves teaching, 监督, research, 和 counseling equally. Yet, social justice 和 advocacy work remind her consistently why counseling matters. Counseling is not simply reducing symptoms; it is instead a focus on sustaining lasting 和 valuable changes that promote wellness at the individual, 社区, 以及系统层面. She is a storyteller by birth, having grown up in Buckhannon. Jen seeks to share narrative in ways that inspire her staff, 学生, 监察对象, 和 clients to be agents of change rather than st和ing on the sidelines of their own lives. 


    核心咨询师教育学院 – Dr. 阿里尔·威廉姆斯


    B.A. University of Michigan, Psychology 和 Criminal Justice 

    M.A. Johnson State College, Clinical Mental Health Counseling 

    Ph.D. University of Montana, Counselor 教育 和 Supervision (CACREP-accredited) 

    Dr. 阿里尔·威廉姆斯是一名助理教授, 持牌临床专业顾问, 和国家认证咨询师.  她获得了博士学位.D. in Counselor 教育 和 Supervision from the University of Montana in 2019. 对辅导新手充满热情, Ariel努力创造包容性, 具有挑战性的, 以及鼓舞人心的课堂体验.  She believes that strong relationships are at the core of learning, both in the classroom 和 in the counseling room.  Ariel的工作是为学生提供直接的, 在具有挑战性的过程中获得意识和成为有效的专业帮助者所需的技能的共情支持.  

    自2012年以来,Ariel一直提供临床咨询,最近通过具有整体治疗模型的远程医疗平台进行远程练习.  而她认为自己是一个多面手,喜欢与各种不同类型的人一起工作,并提出自己的担忧, Ariel has a particular 感兴趣 和 training in working with people who have experienced trauma.  Ariel利用她的临床经验为教学实践提供信息,并致力于了解最新的研究文献. Ariel’s research 感兴趣s relate to the experience 和 process of counseling 监督, 教学和辅导的创造性, 咨询师健康. 在她的个人生活中, Ariel enjoys outdoor adventures 和 caring for her family 和 menagerie of pets. 


  • 招生指南





    招生指南: 任何持有认可学院或大学学士学位的人都可以申请进入该课程, 无论本科专业. 有意申请的学生应在网上申请:  如果应用程序

    1. current curriculum vitae showing relevant work experience;
    2. three completed professional recommendation forms or letters (preferably, 两份来自雇主,一份来自教授);
    3. official transcripts of all undergraduate 和 graduate work (minimum of 3.00 GPA优先);
    4. an essay written in APA 7th edition guidelines to the following prompt:
      1. 请描述一下你的 感兴趣 理解 of a professional counseling career, including related experience to date.
    5. 如果是非英语母语的学生, an official report of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL); 和

    申请人还必须参加入学日面试,包括在审查书面申请材料后与咨询教育教师进行小组和个人面试. Based on the recommendations of the Counseling Admission Committee 和 the Counseling 项目负责人, 教务长将做出最终录取决定,并以书面形式通知申请人.


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